Music From Arcadia: Resurrecting The Sonic Novel Archaic Science of A 432 Hz

A 432 Hz In Arcadia

The archaic Egyptian instruments that have been unearthed, so far, are largely tuned at A 432 Hz. In ancient Greece (the school book original place for music) the instruments were predominantly tuned in at A 432 Hz.

Within the archaic Greek Eleusinian Mysteries, Orpheus is the god of music, death and rebirth, and was the keeper of the Ambrosia and the music of transformation (his instruments were tuned at A 432 Hz). Orpheus had inherited his music and knowledge from his voyage and initiation into the ancient Egyptian Osiris Mysteries, as well as from the Phoenicians, and from the archaic Mesopotamians of the fertile crescent.

Amidst the E. Din between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, where the Ur Mesopotamian civilisation of Sumeria was centered, the ancient tombs of their sanga-lugals, or Priest-King Shamans, have revealed their excelled science in the musical arts.

Some of these royal tombs of the children of the historical Adam (sanga-lugal King Atab of Kish), are as old as 6000 years, revealing the primal musical roots and enthralment of our species. These tombs’ hermetically sealed nature contained perfectly preserved and many intact musical instruments, as well as musical documentation in stone.

For instance the «Sham.Ana», which is called a vehicle of Shamanic Star Flight, is at the same time also a ritual drum. These drums are depicted to be utilised in these cultural festive rites, to induce their shamanic ecstasies and oracular union with the stellar gods, the Anuki.

The shamanic/festival use of a specific series of drums, trumpets and harps in Sumeria, had them all tuned at A 432 Hz, and related harmonics of 72 and its decimal 720. These instruments were utilised for pre-Arabic ethnobotanical plant and metal alchemy, which harvested the elixir of divination and divinity.

The «god-kings» utilised these within their sacred circle fire-stone dance. In the midst of these symphonic circles, they placed a phoenix (sky fire bird) fire stone, which was called the Sham.Mu.

Within the Mesopotamian cylinder seals (of which more than 100,000 such books have been unearthed so far) these «fire stones» are often described to be made out of ‘superconducting-like’ elements, usually monatomic iridium from meteorite. And from such cultural shamanic royal ceremonies, the seals describe that they opened the door to Anu, or Anuki – the heavens, the universe, for communion.

Hence, these proto-Greek roots of music had the sacred tuning of A 432 Hz, long before the Hellenistic artists musical renaissance. That itself is remarkable, since A 432 Hz touches the full twelve scale octaval overtones of all music in creation, whereas Bach’s 440 Hz only touches 8, leaving out an entire section of the complete musical resonance of the universe, which thus remains untouched and un-integrated within the 440 Hz music of today. This 8 Hz re-pitching of tuning hence makes A UNIVERSE OF DIFFERENCE.

Naturally this Mesopotamian sacred science based on A 432 Hz, descended down into the Babylonian culture, and was absorbed and occulted by the ancient Roman Empire, who also absorbed some of the Greek and Egyptian Mysteries.

For Rome had utilised this sacred measure harmonic series as well, embedded in their measure, where, for instance, 432 grains were 1 Uncia, which were 144 Unica in their weight measurements. Furthermore, 216 grains (half of 432 and 3 x 72) were 72 Semuncia, and 144 grains were 48 Duella.

But later, when the Roman Empire, which embodied and occulted the esoteric Babylonian priesthood or religion (who had absorbed the sacred A 432 Hz measure from the Mesopotamians), also choose to absorb Christianity (in the form of the Roman Catholic Church). Whilst they also chose to hunt down all of the sacred A 432 Hz musical rituals which did not come under the Monarchy’s dominion and umbrella, reserved for the elite Pater-ship of the Priesthood and cardinals. Often reserved for the Elite’s arcane initiation ceremonies beneath the ground, in the subterranean catacombs beneath Rome and St. Peters Square.

The Empire hunted down the Mystery Schools of Eleusis and the Orpheus rites with their A 432 Hz tuning, in the Pharmacratic and Ambient-cratic Inquisitions – killing all of the Epoptai (literally where the word «pope» came from) the priests of the initiations.

The Empire started to outlaw the sacred harmonics, and instruments with the sacred tuning of A 432 Hz, as the Empire’s Pharmacratic inquisition continued in the form of the Roman Catholic Church, or Monarchy. Hunting down and eliminating all of their competition, like the remnant Gnostic and Hermetic cults, which were echoes of the revolutionary Shamanic protocols of the radical Royals known as the Iosus Christos, Joseph of Arimathea, and Mary Magdalen Eucharia, figures.

These Jerusalem royal families had dared to break the caste-based elite rule of secrecy shrouding the Essene Priesthood, by giving away the secret Shamanic Initiation Mysteries to everyone. For the sake of each seekers own sovereign liberation and Gnosis. Achieved through the alchemical ethnobotanical sacraments, or elixir’s, which enabled the grail quester to go online to the Word or Logos, directly, without the Empire’s corporate interface: the Church. For «the body is a temple», and «the Spirit of Christ was placed in their mouths».


Now, as we come to the Post-Gnostic/Agnostic Omega Age (the future Attractor Field at the end of time, the synthesis of all creation), the musical dance to which we have our ritualistic weekly experiences are to be re-tuned to the harmonics of life in A 432 Hz.

These are literally harmonics of absolute life, since our DNA reproduces at 8 Hz, at the moment of DNA helical unwinding for replication by division. Are we perhaps glimpsing an archaic attempt to grasp a Sovereign genetic technology, in the hands of each individual’s Gnosis with the Logos, or Super-species Over-mind?


In this Omega Age, when musical instruments are tuned at A 432 cycles per second, no matter how hard the music might be, it will be harmonics that are produced. It will be healthy for the body, tuning the body, vibrating in fractal harmonics with the DNA helix sound matrix of life itself.

Those DNA helices are musical instruments that are constantly receiving MHz of electricity and the audial currents, which require sound. If that sound is dis-harmonic, a DNA starts to resonate to external dis-harmonics. Should the external resonating tune sources, in a person of old age that has their DNA viruses resonating to the outside, become harmonic (such as A 432 Hz based music, with all of the over- and undertones of A 432 Hz) – then the DNA viruses will remember their coherent PHI-like spiral shape and get a form of regeneration, this we have intricately modelled in The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel.

Since 8 Hz in DNA replication has been described by Scientific American (March 1965, p 28), to be behaving as a room temperature superconductor, the use of coherent geometrical music would enable such genetic alchemy. This is the regeneration music of Biogenesis: A 432 Hz tuning.

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