Mystery – Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth – Part 4

I must now shift the emphasis of this series to the subject of continuity via historical evidence. Nearly all historians believe that Rome fell and its evil reign ended in the 5th century AD. They think it vanished forever when it was invaded and overrun by so called barbarians; the Vandals, the Goths and Ostrogoths, but nothing could be further from the truth. Please note ‘barbarian’ means ‘bearded one’ not wild savages as some would have you believe through the use of the word ‘barbarian’. We should also understand that these invaders did not destroy Rome; there was no need as Rome’s moral bankruptcy ensured little resistance for the invading hordes to overcome. Some historical commentators have stated that under the short period of rule of the Goths and Ostrogoths Rome was more Roman than ever before. This means the spirit of Rome never left, even after its fall from outright power.

The truth is, to use a modern expression, Rome reinvented itself or should we say it had an image overhaul or a makeover, even a little botox no less!! It was all very subtle too, from The Roman Empire it just morphed into The ‘Holy’ Roman Empire and most of humanity in the then civilised world fell for it hook, line and sinker. They thought it had become Christian and guess what; most people today still think it’s Christian. As we shall see though, nothing could be further from the truth. How do we know that? We know it because the iron or fourth empire of King Nebuchadnezzar’s image continues right down to the toes – it is continuous without a break to a time in the future? All that happened, notice, was the addition of miry clay to the iron which in turn weakened this empire and made it more brittle and thereby more susceptible to breakage. The miry clay represents a weakening of the image so this latter day Roman Empire has lost all of its original outright power, but it is still the same Roman Empire with worldwide power and influence – The Iron. As I write (13/05/07) the Pope is in Brazil flexing his demonic muscles and exercising that authority of Rome and at the same time combating the work of evangelical missionary Christians – the iron of King Nebuchadnezzar’s image at work.

So when did this change in the identity of Rome fully take place? It took place in 395 AD; ‘Christianity’ is made the state religion; notice, state religion, this has nothing to do with The Lord Jesus Christ. He didn’t come to this earth to start a religion; I have digressed. By the time Constantine died in 337 AD he had followed in Diocletian’s foot steps and set up his new headquarters in the east; New Rome or Byzantium renamed Constantinople, this had also made Rome very weak and vulnerable in the west. Again this made it easier for the Vandals, Goths and Ostrogoths to invade. By the end of this period, usually assumed to be 476 AD the new religious order had taken over Rome – the iron with miry clay. It continued and grew to be what we now know today as The ‘Holy’ Roman Empire.

We now return to Holy Scriptures in verse 42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. Now when was Rome partly strong and partly broken and notice, this is after the time of Diocletian? Diocletian is a crucial character to the historical evidence of the perpetuity of the Roman Empire after its supposed demise. Diocletian ruled from 284 – 305 AD and it was he who laid the foundations of what was known as the «Later Roman Empire» or «Byzantine Empire.» Diocletian’s actions secured the future of the Roman Empire in the east for a thousand years. Now is this a proof that Rome has never gone away? Yes, most definitely, but this is only one proof, as I intend to show you more.

The history continues as Constantine enters the world stage and this is where the iron certainly started to mingle with the clay as Emperor Constantine began his barbaric blood thirsty rule. He was supposedly a Christian. He was the man who said that God spoke to him in a dream or vision and told him to go and conquer (murder and butcher) under the banner of a cross. I have scoured Holy Scriptures to see where anyone is commanded to do that and it would appear that Constantine was the only person – surprise, surprise!! This leaves me wondering which god told him to do that and of course we know don’t we, if you don’t then let me help you because The Lord Jesus Christ certainly didn’t tell him to conquer anybody. He said «He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword». Furthermore, Constantine was not yet a ‘Christian’ when he settled matters of ‘Christian’ dogma and the Arian Controversy at the first Nicene Council, which ended on August 25, 325. So here we have a spiritually blind, blood thirsty, pagan heathen, settling matters of Christian dogma when not even converted. Constantine did not declare himself a ‘Christian’ until his death bed. If Constantine was a Christian, then I’m the Pope!

All of the above historical evidence constitutes the early transition from iron into iron and clay. This is how the Roman Empire morphed into a religious empire from a solely pagan military empire thereby losing its total power. Moving on, we now have more strange symbolism in verse 43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. Here we have a description of the most unholy of unholy alliances ever to take place in the history of mankind. Verse 43 describes the chemistry of this new Rome or new unholy alliance i.e. the iron and the clay.

Now although Rome is still being spoken of here (the iron) it is now divided again, but this division is different, this time it looks as though it has fallen out with mankind and yet they are still mingling with men. So where as Old Rome had always been at one with its people and had complete control and dominion with its own military forces; this new Rome is weakened. It has dealings with men but it is not enjoined to them as before, yet at the same time remains strong i.e. the iron. From now on, when this new weakened Rome went to war it would use mercenaries or puppet rulers in order to force it’s will on its enemies. As Rome declined they became more and more reliant on mercenaries to do their fighting. To put it another way Rome has now lost her military might so now needs the military might of vassal states, vassal states that will willingly and sometimes begrudgingly bow down to the authority of Rome and do her dirty work. Rome, through history, has crowned numerous European monarchs, Emperors, Charlemagne being one and Charles V of Spain another and there were many more. His son Phillip II, of Spanish Armada fame, built an empire and consolidated his father’s conquests. Other monarchs, dynasties and despots e.g. The Hapsburgs have also qualified like Napoleon who was reluctantly crowned Emperor by the Pope.

Latterly, had Hitler and his Iron Cross heroes won the Second World War no doubt the Pope would have crowned him too. In the British press today (13/05/07) ‘Hitler’s Pope’, Pope Pius XII is up for ‘sainthood’ (wow, how do they do that, hold a raffle or is it pick a number out of a hat!?). He was the Pope who never condemned the Holocaust and a British Foreign Office wartime memo declared: «He was the greatest moral coward of our age!» Meantime, Mussolini signed the Lateran Pact with the same Pope, but there was no love lost between the Papacy and either of these leaders – the seed of men. All in all, the relationships between all these leaders and the Papacy were always antagonistic and here we can see Holy Scripture again fulfilled. All these kings and leaders are referred to as «the seed of men» and notice they will not «cleave one to another»; they will not get along and in many cases hate each other. Nevertheless, at the same time the ‘seed of men’ will have to acknowledge the Papacy’s worldwide power and influence as it still does to this day.

Moreover, when we add to that the power of the Eastern Orthodox Church we can then see the global power of King Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon in the 21st century. Don’t forget the Papacy’s role in Poland and the fall of Soviet domination in Europe. Do you think they chose a Polish Pope by accident? Don’t forget too that in Russia, communism has gone but the «Opium of the People» as Karl Marx once referred to religion, is still very alive and kicking – it has seen off communism and the autocratic rule of the Czars – the Romanovs. Incidentally, the word Czar is Russian for Caesar and Russia is also known as the Third Rome. Furthermore, do not be fooled by any of the above Papal activities as good works as there is a new vassal empire on the way – The Treaty of Rome based EU with its Dollar threatening Euro. Watch the news folks ‘cos old Papa in Rome has still got big fish to fry with a new vassal empire, but this time there will be one hell of a fire in the kitchen and the ‘global village’ will be crying its eyes out at Babylon’s total destruction and demise.

Rev 18:11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:

Rev 18:15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,

Rev 18:18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! (BABYLON) (Brackets mine)

Charles Crosby

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